NEW! WEF Noteworthy 4.9.21




April 9, 2021

Welcome to Washington Eagle Forum’s e-blast Noteworthy
with articles, issues and
action you need to note to be an informed and engaged citizen.
We hope you will read it, print it, and forward it on to family and friends!


Taxing Times in Olympia

With less than three weeks till the session ends on April 25 Democrat lawmakers continue to spend mega amounts of money.

How brazen are they with their total control of the legislature? Brazen enough to spend every penny of record revenue AND nearly drain our states “rainy day” reserves.

The Democrat $58.4 billion spending bill passed by a straight party line vote of 57-41

They’ve been busy! So far 153 bills have passed both houses and five already signed into law by the governor.

$16 Billion Additional Tran$portation Taxe$ and Fee$

Gasoline tax is back in news | Jim Beam |

Democrats are ironically calling their transportation plan “Forward Washington”, but the reality will be “Backwards Washington”. Their plan increases the tax you pay for gas by 9.8 cents per gallon beginning in July. Passage of cap-and-trade tax would raise another $5.1 billion

It is estimated that all of this will raise fuel prices by more that 52 cents a gallon on every consumer and business.

Bad Bills still on the floor for action:

SB 5126 – cap-and-trade. This bill passed the Senate and is currently in House Rules. Yesterday the rules were suspended and it was placed on third reading where it passed 25 to 24. WE OPPOSE THIS BILL

HB 1091 – low carbon fuel standards. This bill passed the House and has been placed on second reading by the Rules Committee. WE OPPOSE THIS BILL

ESSB 5096 – excise tax on capital gains. This bill passed the Senate and is currently in the House Finance Committee. WE OPPOSE THIS BILL

Call Your Legislators: 1.800.562.6000

Message: My family budget cannot afford your continuous tax and spending spree!
Please vote NO on SB 5126, HB 1091 & ESSB 5096

HB 1141 - expands assisted suicide. This bill passed in the House and is currently on second reading in Senate Rules. WE OPPOSE THIS BILL

SB 5476 – legalizing hard drugs. This bill was dropped very late in the session, had a Senate hearing on April 5 and is scheduled for executive session on Saturday in Senate Ways & Means. WE OPPOSE THIS BILL

Call Your Legislators: 1.800.562.6000

Message: Please vote NO on HB 1141 & SB 5476

VERY Bad Bills Passed and Waiting for the Governor’s Signature

ESHB 1068 – exempts election information from public records disclosure. This bill has passed both the House and Senate and is now on the Governors desk. WE OPPOSE THIS BILL

SB 5313 – mandates insurance companies to pay for gender changing surgeries and treatments. This bill passed both the House and Senate and is on its way to the governor. WE OPPOSE THIS BILL

HB 1009 – expands the abortion insurance mandate to cover abortion in student health plans. This is has passed in both the House and Senate and will soon be on its way to the governor. WE OPPOSE THIS BILL

SB 5140 – allows religious hospitals to be sued if they refuse to perform abortions. This bill has passed both the House and Senate and will soon be on the Governor’s desk. WE OPPOSE THIS BILL

HB 1225 – sets up an office and program through the Department of Health to establish school-based (Planned Parenthood) clinics in public schools with no safeguards for parental or local district control. WE OPPOSE THIS BILL

PRAY & Call 1.800.562.6000

Message for Governor Inslee: Please DO NOT sign these bills!


“…I said to the nobles, leaders, and people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord is great and awesome. Fight for your brother, fight for your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses…
Our God will fight for us” (Nehemiah 4:13-14, 20)

The battle is brutal and the odds against us very great, however our God is greater, and our eyes are fixed on Him. We must never fear or lose heart, but continue to stand courageously in His Truth which blesses all people at all times.

Be fervent in prayer, and “make the best use of the time, because the days are evil” Ephesians 5:16


Washington Eagle Forum  |  P.O. Box 205 Lynden, WA 98264  |

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